Precut steam bath > Technology + structure
(all You need to built a perfect Turkish bath)
Everything you need to create a perfect STEAM BATH structure complete in every component.
The materials used today allow you to develop any type of structure and form of Turkish bath. In addition to the 7 different standard plan supplied in the kit and complete with everything (except the only set-up), on request is possible to develop any kind of shape and size. The Cupola or Igloo is a clear example.
The kit includes the structure with a base, side walls, rounded ceiling and benches all in *XPS (extruded polystyrene high density mono layer) with a self-supporting structure (5 cm. wall thickness - 8 cm. ceiling and floor) to properly shaved internal surface ready for coating mosaic. The panels have interlocking (at the base and sequential between them) to exemplify the assembly that is extremely intuitive. It is only then to seal/waterproof the joints with the specific products provided (gauze mesh/fibermesh, polyurethane foam for corrections and filling polyurethane adhesive and sealant KILTO).
The base/floor (with provision interlocking walls) is suitably waterproofed and resistant to intense trampling with water drain (drain and pipe) already integrated. The bench elements are already defined (customized), rounded at the front and supplied with an elegant backrest.
The steam technology is HARVIA, as well as the aluminium door glass (8 mm) with breaking security crushing mounted on the frame (watertight) and chromed handle with magnetic closure.
With regard to the mosaic there is a supply of standard mixtures of glass mosaic tile with single size 2 x 2 (sheet 32.7 x 32.7) mounted on a network. And provided a surface adapted to the development chosen (calculated lining the perimeter walls, flooring, benches and ceiling + any extra scraps) with glue and epoxy putty. Where is meant to enhance the Turkish bath is then possible to choose between two other types of mosaic of greater value: SUPERIOR & LUX.
* The XPS panels are made of extruded polystyrene in a single layer and are made up of cells perfectly closed, uniform and homogeneous gas filled with low environmental impact according to the latest international standards. Thanks to their structure and production technology, the XPS panels are particularly suitable for all those applications where, in addition to an excellent thermal-insulating power, even a high compressive strength and high water repellency. Due to these characteristics, the XPS panels are highly appreciated for the isolation of bathrooms, roofing and now they found application in professional technologies for steam baths and spas.